Consult Work I've Done

Minecon Live 2019 Creative Consultantcy. Having worked with the Mojang and Microsoft teams since 2015 on the annual event, in 2019 I provided guidance and expertise in showflow creation, stage bibles and content writing for creator based segments of the livestream. This year I provided the assistance whilst working from home due to physical limitations.

Minecon Live 2019 Creative Consultantcy. As well as writing content per segment, stage bibles and showflows, I would work with talent via the shows Creative Director to create unique content per content creator.

I assisted the team with showflows, stage bibles and content writing for content creator based segments. This meant working with the shows Creative Director and Technical Director to produce the right content for broadcast and inhouse viewing. It needed to be engaging, yet also fun for the content creators in the show itself.

Minecon Earth 2018. For the content writing per creator driven segement I worked with the Creator Director to create unique segments per content creator. For Martyn littlewoods we created a relay style game which switched between gaming and real life challenges

Minecon Earth 2018. For the content writing per creator driven segement I worked with the Creator Director to create unique segments per content creator. For Martyn littlewoods we created a relay style game which switched between gaming and real life challenges.

This was a 107 page document given to community events to use as guidance and rules for creating their events. Working alongside Mojang to create this document in a short timescale.